Safe Water Africa

Safe Water Africa is a 501(c)3, non- profit organization founded in 2011 with the mission and purpose  of empowering rural Christian pastors in Tanzania, Africa by providing safe clean purified water to their churches and communities.

Our safe water ministry provides two significant blessings to the pastors, churches and communities in Tanzania.  (1) we address the tremendous humanitarian need and (2) we provide the local pastors with an important outreach tool to invite the community to the church, not only to share the safe clean water but to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In doing so, their even deeper spiritual need can be met as they learn of the one who is a ” fountain of living water.”

Grace Klein Community

Grace Klein Community is an educational and charitable non-profit dedicated to providing relief to the poor, disadvantaged and underprivileged.

Grace Klein Community works to unite diverse individuals, businesses, ministries, and churches to share resources, meeting physical and spiritual needs locally and globally.