About Us

God called us to start a church in 2024, and after much prayer and planning, Elevate Community Church was born. God has tasked us to call together a group of disciples. We’re building a church family dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus around our city, state and world.

ECC is dedicated to God’s Word as our guide to life; to worshipping with God; to experience the transformative power of the gospel in the context of grace-centered community; to honoring the gospel of repentance and eternal life; and to praying for God’s will and the needs of the church.

We invite you to worship with us at the Birmingham Marriott each Sunday at 9:15 a.m.  


Marriott 280
3590 Grandview Pkwy
Birmingham, AL 35243

Sundays at 9:15 a.m.

The Birmingham Ballroom in the Marriott 280 Birmingham
(Across from Grandview Hospital).
Please enter the front door of the Marriott, walk to the right or left around the lounge area to locate the “Birmingham Ballroom”

Guests of ECC may park in the spaces in front of the Marriott.


What We Believe

We believe in the one God revealed in the Bible. We believe He created everything there is, and is the personification of love and justice. We believe He is all knowing and all powerful and is not confined to time and space. We believe there has never been a time without God. We believe God is holy and without sin. 
In Him, there is no darkness, only light. We believe God exists in three persons, a Trinity of God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe God wishes to be a loving Father to His children who choose to love and obey Him. Our greatest privilege and responsibility is to love our Father with everything we have and experience His perfect love in return.

  • We believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh who came to earth to save us from our sin and rebellion against God. We believe He was with God for all time, and participated in the Creation. We affirm historically that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, taught with great power, performed many miracles, was crucified, died, and was buried. We believe on the third day he physically rose from the dead. Jesus’ death on the Cross paid the price for the sins of all who surrender their lives to Him. We believe His resurrection was our victory over death. Salvation and eternal life are found in faith in Christ alone. We believe Jesus sits at the right hand of God and all things have been placed under His authority. One day He will return and take His Bride, the Church, to be with Him forever. We believe the Father gave Jesus to the world to be God with us.

  • We believe the Holy Spirit is the real presence of God in our world and the heart of every believer. The Holy Spirit is our guide in our decisions, and gives us access to the power of God in our lives. The Holy Spirit is our seal, our promise that we do indeed belong to God’s family. We believe the Holy Spirit changes us into the image of Jesus. In the world, the Holy Spirit reminds people of God’s judgment of sin, and draws them to be right with God through Christ. Jesus promised His followers He would never leave them alone, so He gave us the Holy Spirit to be God with us.

  • We believe in the Church. It is the family of God, in a local and extended form. The Church is the hope of the world and is God’s plan to share the message of Jesus with every generation. The Church is the physical body of Christ on the earth, doing His will until He returns. The local church is our spiritual, nuclear family, loving, supporting and growing us into the image of Jesus. We are also part of the Global Church, our extended family with all those who have trusted in Jesus by faith and have been baptized into that faith. As the family of God, we are called to live in unity, as One Body, One Spirit, One Lord, One Church.

  • We believe the Bible is the Word of God, our family history and guide for living. We believe that the scripture writers were inspired and led by the Holy Spirit to write what they did. The story of the Bible is the story of God’s love and design for humanity. It tells the story of our rebellion against God and our salvation through Jesus Christ. Everything in the Bible points toward the mission and message of Jesus. As a church, the Bible is our foundation for how we see ourselves and the world, and is our daily guide for living. We believe that, if we obey God’s Word and live according to its precepts, we follow the design of God for abundant and real life.

  • We believe you, like all humans, were created by God in His image. We believe God designed you with purpose and with love. We believe God is our Father, in every sense of the word, with a Father’s love and plan for you. God’s design was for us to live in perfect harmony with Him, each other, and with the world. But from the very beginning, we humans choose to ignore God’s plan, and to become our own gods. We miss the mark. This is called sin. God is perfect and without sin. He is holy. Sin is like a cancer that destroys our souls and separates us from God, now and forever. The price of sin is death. Jesus Christ gave up being One with God, left heaven, and came to earth to pay the price of death for your sin and mine on the Cross. Because of His sacrifice, our sins are forgiven and we are restored to being God’s children, now and forever. All we must do is accept the gift of Jesus, and live by God’s design and purpose for our lives. It is our hope and prayer you will accept this gift, and take your place as God’s beloved child.